The Montessori Approach to Screen Time


In today’s digital age, screen time has become an integral part of our lives. While technology offers numerous
benefits, it’s essential to establish healthy screen time habits for children. The Montessori approach provides
valuable insights into balancing screen time with other activities and fostering a love of learning.

The Impact of Screen Time on Children

Excessive screen time can have negative effects on a child’s development, including:
● Attention span: Constant stimulation from screens can hinder focus and concentration.
● Sleep disturbances: Blue light emitted from screens can interfere with sleep patterns.
● Physical inactivity: Reduced physical activity can lead to health issues.
● Social development: Excessive screen time can impact social skills and face-to-face interaction.


Montessori Principles and Screen Time

Montessori education emphasizes hands-on learning, exploration, and social interaction. While technology is not
entirely excluded, it’s essential to balance screen time with other activities.
● Mindful Consumption: Encourage critical thinking about media content and discuss its impact.
● Quality Over Quantity: Prioritize educational and interactive apps over passive screen time.
● Family Time: Create screen-free zones and engage in family activities together.
● Outdoor Play: Encourage physical activity and connection with nature.
Tips for Healthy Screen Time
● Establish Limits: Set clear guidelines for screen time usage.
● Choose Quality Content: Select age-appropriate and educational programs.
● Co-View: Watch shows with your child and discuss the content.
● Model Good Habits: Demonstrate responsible screen use as a parent.


In today’s digital age, it’s essential to strike a balance between screen time and real-world experiences. At
Geiniwood Montessori, we believe in mindful technology use. By prioritizing hands-on learning, outdoor play, and
social interaction, we foster a love of learning that extends beyond the screen. Our approach empowers children
to become critical thinkers and responsible digital citizens.