Daily schedule

Our daily schedule offers time for children to participate in both group activities and independent child choice activities. 

Prayer Time:

9:00 a.m – 9:30 a.m

  1. Child Express Gratitude To the Universe.
  2. Seeking Blessings From the Nature.
  3. Thanking Rhyms.

9:35 a.m – 10:00 a.m

  1. Activities For Development of Motor Skills.
  2. Cultivation of Sensory Skills.
  3. Enhancing Cognitive and Physical Education. 

Refreshing Body, Mind and Soul:

10:55 a.m – 11:25 a.m

Story time:

10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
The teacher reads a story to the class relative to the current curriculum.

Other Activities:

11:30 a.m – 11:55 a.m

Monday-Sports Activities

Tuesday-Music Activities

Wednesday-Circle Time

Thursday-Preparation  For Theme Of the Month

Friday-Jolly Train

12:00 p.m – 12:30 p.m

  1. Drinking Water 
  2. Organizing Child’s Belongings
  3. Thanking Rhyms
  4. Bye Bye time